Saturday, July 6, 2013

Food Challenge: Chocolate Mousse Cupcakes

Along the lines of "unusual combinations", I had several requests to attempt a chocolate cupcake.  Another request asked for chocolate mousse.  I don't think either person expected me to answer both requests with a single dessert!

This is the first in a series of food topics.

Let's review the process here...

Standard, run of the mill cocoa powder based cupcakes as the base
Above: I pulled this recipe from the internet.  All 3 of the top hits were the same, so you can't go wrong if you do the same!  

Ice bath for cooling down the chocolate/cream mix

There are two items to setup for mousse, the ice bath and the Bain-Marie.

Bain-Marie (French for Double Boiler) setup for Chocolate.
Extremely simple setup here.  The steam just acts as an even conductor to the glass bowl.

Chocolate melted + boiled cream
Most of your time will be spent here melting the chocolate.  I'm using 70% cacao here for more flavor and a better solids mixture.  

The post-boiled cream and chocolate mixture.  

If you want to infuse a liqueur, now would be the time (before the egg whites).  
Keep in mind that you will see a noticeable thickening of the mixture as soon as it starts to cool.

Folded mixture of egg whites (whipped)
Not shown is the whipping of the egg whites with a bit of sugar.  
What you want to do here is FOLD the mixture together, as you don't want to deflate all the work the egg whites have done to create volume.  

Coring of the cupcakes!

Coring wise, I've done this with all sorts of tools.  Either use an apple corer, a paring knife, or one of these nifty 10 dollar tools (made FOR cupcakes) from a place that sells kitchen tools.

Matching caps placed back into openings.

Keep those cores, as you will have to plug them up as you fill them with mousse.  

Filled stage, ready for toppings.

Now to contemplate the topping.  Normally, we'd use a cheese frosting, but on chocolate that can go wrong pretty quick.  We are filling them with mousse, and that will overpower all the work we just put into the mousse.  What topping to choose then?

Meringue making: Proximity required.

Let's go with an Italian Meringue!  Relatively neutral but sweet, great volume, and easy to torch for a visual treat!

Piped Meringue, reading for the butane torch finish!

Now, keep in mind I am keeping these cupcakes in the pan for a reason.  When I get the torch out, I have to be very careful not to burn the paper that they are encased in.

Edge-seared Meringue topping chocolate mousse cupcakes

Now, the finishing touches have been done.  Remember the combination is both taste and looks here.  Your mind will process both!

Cross section of Multi-layer cupcake

The Verdict: a well balanced combination, with well balanced flavor.  

The mousse is the biggest factor in flavor, and the texture of the cupcake around it helps break up the liquid feel of mousse desserts.  The garnish of meringue on the top adds another layer of texture without overpowering the cupcake, and the visual pairing helps contrast the chocolate theme to make a stunning result!

The cupcakes were perceived well by both of the recipients, so I call this one completed in my first set of food challenges!

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