Friday, April 9, 2010

Dealing with an IT Band Injury

The iliotibial band is a piece of muscle tissue that connects from over the pelvis to the knee.  One of the most infrequently taken care of places on athletes because of its difficulty to stretch, and now I have to deal with this injury. 

This injury hurts on nearly all points of rotation of the knee on the bike, and it isn't something you can just "push" through.  The type of inflammation and piercing pain that it induces is something I've never experienced before, and it will cause you to get off your bike.  Of those that have gotten it, no one can go on - not even pro cyclists.  The more you aggrivate it the longer you will have to wait until it heals. 

Foam Rollers and strengthening exercises are the only things you can do to help allieveiate the issues, as well as rest, ice, compression, and elevation.  From my coaches and doctors, they estimate 8-10 weeks before I can get on the bike and start practicing again.  Not being able to do what I enjoy in cycling is very difficult for me, especially having come off a severe crash at the beginning of the summer.  But I'll keep on waiting and working until I can get back on the bike.